ISO 22166-1:2021
Robotics — Modularity for service robots — Part 1: General requirements
ملفات الوثيقة ISO 22166-1:2021
مجال الوثيقة ISO 22166-1:2021
This document presents requirements and guidelines on the specification of modular frameworks, on open modular design and on the integration of modules for realising service robots in various environments, including personal and professional sectors.
The document is targeted at the following user groups:
— modular service robot framework developers who specify performance frameworks in an unambiguous way;
— module designers and/or manufacturers who supply end users or robot integrators;
— service robot integrators who choose applicable modules for building a modular system.
This document includes guidelines on how to apply existing safety and security standards to service robot modules.
This document is not a safety standard.
This document applies specifically to service robots, although the modularity principles presented in this document can be utilized by framework developers, module manufacturers, and module integrators from other fields not necessarily restricted to robotics.
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